Individualized In-Home Pet Care
Cat Care & Small Animal Visits
One Daily 30 Minute Visit
includes stimulating interaction with your pets, litter scooping, water refreshment, feeding, medications, playtime and basic home care service (alternating lights and blinds/draperies, bringing in mail, and bringing garbage to and from the curb).
Service is not limited to 30 minutes and we are happy to accommodate as many visits as needed. We tailor our services to each of our client's needs.

Dog Care or Multiple Animal Visits
3 Daily 30 Minute Visits
includes stimulating interaction with your pets, walks and/or playtime in the yard, water refreshment at every visit, feeding, medications, and basic home care service.
Service is not limited to 30 minutes and we are happy to accommodate as many visits as needed. We tailor our services to each of our client's needs.$2 per additional pet. Additional $20 per visit.